Yuyun Li (Ana Li)

Yuyun Li (Ana Li)

Policy Analyst at the Centre for BRICS Studies, Fudan Development Institute, Fudan University

Yuyun Li (Ana Li) is a policy analyst at the Centre for BRICS Studies of the Fudan Development Institute and a part-time researcher at the Office for Latin American Studies of the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of Macau and a Master's from the University of Lisbon. Currently, she is pursuing a second Master's degree in Latin American Studies at the Latin American Center of the University of Oxford. Her expertise encompasses China-Brazil relations, technology diplomacy, and Global South studies, particularly within the context of BRICS. She is the Chinese translator of the book "Management in Latin American Studies" by Professor Paulo Feldmann (USP) and has contributed with chapters to the annual reports on BRICS cooperation and global governance published by the Shanghai People's Publishing House.  She has been interviewed by Shanghai TV as a political commentator, to discuss topics such as Lula's visit to China and issues pertaining to China-Brazil relations.

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