O projeto do Boletim Economia e Mercado 中国经济状况报告, da Observa China 观中国 reúne novidades, monitoramento e análises da situação interna económica, a nível privado e público com monitoramento de políticas na República Popular da China. Boletim mensal, com possibilidade de baixar pdf. Boletim exclusivo aos membros e associados da Observa China 观中国.
The Observa China Newsletter 观中国 project brings together various articles, events, podcasts and all types of content in a concise bulletin to inform and integrate the community that studies China.
Designed as a series of meetings, this course seeks to inform and debate the main themes and tools for journalists seeking to cover China from Brazil.
We are writing a recommendations document for T20, a group of G20 Think Tanks.
This project seeks to create an exclusive endowment for Observa China 观中国. As a non-profit association, Observa China 观中国 relies on donations and volunteer work.
This project brings together a series of activities to discuss the participation of women in the field of sinology.
This project aims to produce exclusive audiovisual material to be used in Observa China 观中国 products, as well as to disseminate visual materials that contribute to the debate on China from different perspectives.
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