Pedro Steenhagen

Pedro Steenhagen 石昊

Director of Development at Observa China 观中国|PhD Candidate in International Politics at Fudan University 复旦大学

Honorary Associate

Pedro Steenhagen 石昊 is the Director of Development and Head of the Workgroup for China-Brazil Relations and Lusophony at Observa China 观中国. Moreover, he is a Ph.D. Candidate in International Politics at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) of Fudan University 复旦大学, as well as a Political Commentator at the Observatory of Geopolitics of Jornal GGN.

He holds a Master's in Analysis and Management of International Politics from the International Relations Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio), a Specialisation degree in International Relations from Clio International, and a Bachelor of Laws and Social Sciences from the National Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FND/UFRJ). Furthermore, he has participated in the 2018 Shanghai Summer School (BRICS Program) and the 2023 Advanced Training Program for Young Diplomatic Talents from Belt and Road Countries, offered by Fudan University 复旦大学 with Shanghai Government Scholarships, and in the 2022 TOChina Summer School, offered by Università degli Studi di Torino with a FreeTorino scholarship.

He was a Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Sciences of the State of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Asian Studies of the University of Aveiro, a Researcher at the Centre for Brazil-China Studies of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV Direito Rio), a Joint Research Fellow at the Centre for Latin-American and Caribbean Studies of Southwest University of Science and Technology 西南科技大学, and a Research Assistant at the BRICS Policy Centre.

Additionally, he is a member of the Brazilian Network of Chinese Studies (RBChina), the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), the Portuguese Association of Political Science (APCP), the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI), and the China in Europe Research Network (CHERN).

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