Workgroup for China-Brazil Relations and Lusophony

Observa China 观中国 workgroup created in 2024, year of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China, the 45th anniversary of the relationship between Portugal and China, and the silver jubilee of Macau's retrocession to China. Its purpose is to advance debates about relations between China, Brazil, and Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as to produce in-depth articles, high-level events, and differentiated analytical and propositional documents on the topic.


Pedro Steenhagen
Pedro Steenhagen

Director of Development at Observa China 观中国|PhD Candidate in International Politics at Fudan University 复旦大学

Honorary Associate


Carolina Souza

Coordenadora Jurídica da Observa China 观中国. Pesquisadora e advogada.

Gustavo Alejandro Cardozo

Graduação em Relações Internacionais. Mestrado em Ciências Sociais com orientação em Estudos Asiáticos. Candidato a PhD.

Ingrid Elias Silvestre

Analista Jurídica Observa China 观中国, Advogada e Professora, esp. em Direito de Energia, MBA Comex e Neg. Internacionais FGV.

Lúcia Puglia

Bacharel em Relações Internacionais - Universidade de São Paulo | Intercambista de estudo de mandarim - Universidade de Hubei

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